Thursday, May 8, 2008

Food for thought

Drink your tea slowly and reverently,
as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves -

slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.

- Thich Nat Hahn


vk said...

Hello Sas, Nice shotl That quote is lovely, Will remember while drinking my cup of tea tomorrow :)..

Anonymous said...

Awesome photo.. awesome words.. Just what I wanted while sipping my afternoon tea.


Sherri said...

Wow - what a lovely meditative quote. I feel so grounded with my daily morning masala chai. And making it is just as meditative as sipping it, as I mix all the spices together at just the right times.
I really enjoy your blog, Sas.
Take care,

Sas said...

Thank you dear Vani, Vinita, Elisa and Shireena for the lovely comments :)

It feels so lovely to share my tea time with you.

Enjoy and thanks for sharing my friends :))

with love, Sas